Since this is Holy week, I’m going to sing some of the lyrics from the hymn “It is well with my soul”
I am going to sing each phrase twice so that you can sing along, and the whole time I’ll be tapping, which is a pattern interrupter and a proven way of lowering stress.
I’ll go through the tapping points:
I start in between my eyebrows, the side of my eye, under my eye, under my nose, under my mouth, under my collarbone, right in the middle of my rib cage and then on top of my head.
There’s no way to screw this up, so if you feel like one or more of the points is just too uncomfortable to get to you and you just aren’t feeling it today, that’s fine.
It’s totally up to you, what you are comfortable with doing. This is something that is helpful and if you feel comfortable doing it, I think you will benefit.