Charleston versus Charlotte
He Leadeth me
He Leadeth me
My prayer during the years between our infertility diagnosis and having our son was
“God, you are not a cruel God. I know you would not give me the desire to have a child without making a way for me to be a mom. So either show me the way, or take away this desire.”
This song is featured on the recently released album “Anchored in Love”
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
Ever want to be somewhere else?
I know we ALL have wanted to go somewhere physically different at some point during the pandemic, but what about different phases of your life?
We are full on in the toddler temper tantrum stage of development and I’m trying to learn along with Henry how to handle my rage…
This song is featured on the recently released album “Anchored in Love”
Purchase your own copy here:
My most personal podcast yet.
A powerful story of how we overcame the blow of an infertility diagnosis to have our son.
Truly a testament to the power of prayer.
This song is featured on the recently released album “Walking in Faith”
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Is it REALLY possible to find a spiritual metaphor in an iphone feature?
This song is featured on the recently released album “Envisioning Hope”
Purchase your own copy here:
Portrait Mode