
Interview | What is bootcamp REALLY like?

I joined the military and left for bootcamp within 7 days, completely clueless about what to expect. 

With funny stories about everything from stenciling underwear to shooting a gun, this is a candid account of my experience. 

Looking back, it was a true blessing to not know what I was getting into because it helped me to just take things as they came. 

And I believe taking things as they come can be key to survival in our regular life too. 

This song “We are All in this Together” is featured on the recently released album “Anchored in Love”

Interview | How do you handle BIG change?

This interview covers navigating relationships when big changes happen…and we are ALL going through major shifts in our lives right now!

Specifically I touch on what happened when we found out our infertility diagnosis, how we worked through that with several years of counseling before moving forward with becoming parents,  and the adjustments that happen when you have a child.

The song “We are All in this Together” is featured on the recently released album “Anchored in Love”

Come Away with Me

I just got a call I will treasure forever.

It was the pastor of one of the churches that I’ve provided music for over the last few months.

Someone in hospice had just requested to listen to a recording of the hymn “Come Away With Me” that had been a part of an online service.

I love knowing that something I recorded is bringing someone peace in their final days.

What an honor.

For those of you providing virtual services, I know that it is a LOT of work and very out of your comfort zone but I hope this is an encouragement to you that you ARE making a difference.

And if you need help with the music portion of your virtual service, please reach out!

Here are the lyrics in case you want to sing along!

Come away with me to a quiet place, 
apart from the world with its frantic pace, 
to pray, reflect, and seek God’s grace. 
Come away with me. Come away. 

Come and pray with me on a gentle sea, 
on top of a hill in the Galilee, 
in gardens like Gethsemane. 
Come away with me. Come away. 

Come today with thoughts of the countless ways 
that God’s steadfast love blesses all our days, 
and join with me in silent praise. 
Come away with me. Come away. 

Come and say, in words whispered from your soul, 
the feelings and actions you can’t control. 
Your spirit needs to be made whole. 
Come away with me. Come away. 

Come away with me to a quiet place, 
to God’s loving arms waiting to embrace 
all those who come in hope of grace. 
Come away with me. Come away.

I thought it was only me

I was in a ladies bible study and CERTAIN that everyone there had unshakeable faith and a continuous close relationship with Jesus.

I thought I was the only one struggling and definitely didn’t want them to know.

In a moment of weakness I confessed my struggle and found out I wasn’t alone…

This song is featured on the recently released album “Anchored in Love” 

Purchase your own copy here: https://gumroad.com/l/iqRAF

Charleston versus Charlotte

I’m sharing one of my most embarrassing moments….Charleston versus Charlotte.

Have you ever noticed they start with the same 5 letters?

Did you know they are both the same distance from Columbia, SC?

Every wonder what would happen if you went to the wrong airport to pick someone up?

Well wonder no more…

The song is featured on the recently released album “Walking in Faith”