
Only Make Believe

Have you ever felt completely at home in a new place, even though you’ve actually just stepped in the door? 

It’s a magical feeling isn’t it? 

And I don’t know about you, but for me, it doesn’t happen often! 

When I started my undergrad in vocal performance at LA Tech, I knew immediately when I stepped into the music building on campus that I had found my new home. 

A large part of that comforting feeling was meeting my voice teacher, Mr. Wylie. He was a great vocal coach who knew instinctively when you needed a kick in the pants and when you needed a pat on the back. 

He was also one of only two people in this world who could get away with calling me Fronzie.*** 

***Unless you want to be on the receiving end of my signature glare, 🔥do not try this! 

Where would we be without our teachers? ✏️

They create the magical spaces where we not only learn, but form lifelong friendships. 

So when I heard that Mr. Wylie passed away, it hit me hard. 

It got me reminiscing, reconnecting with friends from the shows we performed in under his direction and vocalists I sang recitals and duets with during our time as his students. 

I used some of the pictures from our time together to craft a tribute to this wonderful man and the musical memories he helped us create using a recording of one such duet, the song “Only Make Believe” from the musical Showboat

I hope this inspires you to reach out to someone who impacted you and let them know. ❤️ 

♫ Only make believe I love you….for the tell the truth….I do ♬

This Mother is Tired

I meant to write something profound. It came out as silly lyrics to an Alicia Keys song.

Chuck Norris and Motherhood

Handle everything with a disposition open to chance or change…because children are improv artists and laughing is the only way to keep your sanity!

When the best way isn’t “normal”

Adopting embryos is the best of both worlds, and the complication of both worlds. Experiencing pregnancy is awesome, the endless paperwork…

Baby Bump Harp Playing

Music is powerful and the lullabies we heard as children stay with us for life!

Trust in Jesus

God speaks through amazon fulfillment errors and national anthem gigs.

Our dog ate Peace

It’s easy to poke fun at how silly he is, but I wonder if Shadow and I are really that different.How many times have I been so angry that I’ve attacked and chewed out the very person that could help me calm down?

Toothpicks and Tulips

Memorable gifts from past holidays are not big ticket items like jewelry or trips but a toothpick holder and an origami tulip.