what could have been…and what will be

As a child I grew up hearing my mom say, “Well I could have become this or done that……but instead I became a mom.”

My mother put off her dreams indefinitely when she had kids…and I never realized it until this summer.

Why? Because this summer my husband and I passed our adoption home study.

That’s right…..we are qualified to be parents and have the paperwork to prove it!

While we wait to become parents, out of nowhere a drum beat started inside of me.

 …..there’s a baby comin’….. there’s a baby comin’ …..there’s a baby comin’…..

It challenged me like nothing else has ever challenged me before.

I thought of all that I want to be.

All that I want to do.

And then….”Well I guess I’ll never get to do them….because I’m gonna be a Mom instead.”


< Cue screeching break sound >

Thankfully, as soon as that thought came into my head, I realized how wrong it is.

And that if I believed that thought, and acted as if it was true, I would become a shell of who I was meant to be.

refuse to do that to our children!

So I started asking myself….What kind of mom do I want them to see?

Someone filled with regrets? No!

Someone pursuing their dreams and accomplishing great things? Yes!

And if I want to do those things when I become a mother,

what am I waiting for?

I want to empower our children to pursue their dreams.

How can I do that if I’m not also pursuing my dreams?

And that’s how I ended up here. Starting this blog, expanding my business to include online courses, and challenging myself to write and share original music.

Am I totally petrified most of the time? Yes!

Do I have any regrets? No.

This is where I’m meant to be…and I’m excited to see where it goes!