Good News! A lesson in Release

I’ve shared with you our infertility struggle. And now I get to share the good news…

I am pregnant!!

I can honestly say that this is the happiest I have ever been…and that I wouldn’t trade a minute of the six year journey to get to this moment.

One of the many things I realized is that I was holding so tightly to the way I thought this had to happen. Lost in all the appointments, calendars, and alarms I started to think I had controlĀ over the outcome.

No surprise, it wasn’t happening as scheduled. I got a really strong reminder to

Release meant that we took a break this summer to travel and recover emotionally from all of the ups and downs we had been through.

When we returned, we felt we were supposed to try again, and decided to tell no one.

Releasing the need to share and instead lean on each other and our faith.

The week leading up to our embryo transfer was also VBS at our church. Every day of that week I sung these simple yet powerful words with the children…

Grounded in His love, Full of faith and hope

Everywhere that I go, Everything that I do

He’s keeping me on track, He’s always got my back

God I’m listening for you, You are the one who’s


It’s a constant struggle to release and remember that God’s Got It, but we’re in this together!